
主演:布瑞金·梅耶 艾米·斯马特 乌比·戈德堡 小库珀·古丁 



时间:2024-08-02 03:08:58




亡命夺宝 ◆片名:亡命夺宝(Rat Race) 又名疯狂世(🚈)界(♈) ◆导(🧑)演:(🙃)杰里·(🍜)朱克(📎)(Jerry Zucker)(🍗) ◆编剧:安迪·贝克曼 Andy Breckman ◆主演:乌比·戈德堡 Whoopi Goldberg 罗文·阿特金森Rowan Atkinson 凯茜·(😫)贝茨Kathy Bates 小古(🔋)巴·戈丁Cuba Gooding Jr. ◆类型:喜剧((🎋)Comedy) ◆ 国家地区:美国 ◆ 发(👔)行公司:派拉蒙((🎧)Paramount) ◆ 首映日期:2001年8月17日 ◆ 影片简介: 六个人(🏋)参加一个夺宝(👡)竞赛:无论采用(🍔)什么(🕡)办法,第一个到达新墨西哥州白银市,在预定地点找到200万美元的人(🥡)就将拥有这笔巨款。 六个人(🥁)迫不及(🚘)待地上路了。为了尽快到(📷)达目的地,他们各显(🐲)奇能:有人持枪上(♑)了一(🦆)辆运送捐赠(😧)器官的货车;(🚗)有人拦下(☝)了一辆载有四十个露茜·鲍尔模(✏)仿(🛏)者的公共汽车(🛠);有人动用了(👓)还在测试阶段的(🔅)高速车;有(🦅)人借机报(📮)复(👣)说谎的男友;有人碰上了一(🦆)群(🦊)疯子。 不久,他们发现自己原来也是(🌬)别人赌(👡)局中的骰(🌔)子。赌场老(❌)板和一群亿(💕)万富翁(💄)正在拿他们打赌,赌六个(🔸)人中(😹)谁最不择(⛎)手段,谁最(🦖)先到达目的地(💶)。他们的一举(🖐)一动(⚓)都被跟踪(😆),成为富(🍇)翁们的谈(📵)资笑料。不甘被人利用(😐)的六个人改变了游戏(😻)方向,使事情有了个(🐯)出人意(😗)料的结局……(💨) 好莱坞热(🚄)门喜剧片(🔂)《亡命夺宝》齐集“憨豆先生”罗文?阿特金森、“黑珍珠”乌(🦔)比?戈德堡、“王牌大(🌿)贱谍(🤤)”塞斯(➖)?格林、小库巴(💣)?古丁、喜剧大师约翰(🌫)?克(🥁)莱斯等喜剧(🍝)明星组成的豪华活宝阵容,在(🏑)600公里长的沙漠公路上展开疯狂夺宝,打造最(🔯)疯(🥐)狂爆笑的喜剧大制。 好(🏽)莱坞喜剧(⛸)热(🤥)衷于(🚗)各种夸张的恶(🥫)搞手法(💎),观众也非常受用,好莱坞的大老板们当然乐于(✨)投资。《亡命夺宝》一片投(🤑)资(📦)罕有地高达7千(🍚)万美元,由(🏘)著名(🌲)导演杰里?朱克亲手执(🧡)导兼制(🚶)片,杰里一直兼导浪漫片与喜剧电影,可谓一脚踏两船,而(📶)且两方面同样吃得(🥗)开。当(🕓)年凭(🛣)着浪漫爱(🐔)情(⛔)片《人鬼情未了》一鸣(🌇)惊人,被(😢)人定型为爱情类(💇)导演,岂不料第二年他就以一部喜剧《白头神探》在美国暑假(🛁)创(♌)下(🙂)极高的票房记录令人大为惊叹(🏯)。执导《亡(🍍)命夺宝》对于杰里来说,可谓驾轻就熟,夸张的动作、令(💠)人捧腹大笑的搞笑对白、公路疯狂飚车大戏、即场插科打诨功(🏤)力登堂入室。 作为(🚧)影片最大特色之一就是豪华的全明星阵容(📪),每个人(🐾)都是独(👂)当一面(💕)的(🛤)搞(🌪)笑高手,夺宝路(🎸)上当之无愧成为他(🈵)们(🏈)充份显示搞(💜)怪实力的舞台(🕣)。 在中国(🧙)有着响(🛅)当当称号的“憨豆”罗文?阿特金森在剧中扮演患有阵发性嗜(❎)睡症患者,每当发(🏨)作(❎)无论正在做(🚂)什么事都会即时入睡。片中,阿特金森把(😱)“憨豆(🕷)先生”搞笑作风发挥得淋漓尽致外,更(🤧)有突破性演出,着实令人惊喜一(🚡)番。据(🕉)闻,导演杰里可(🔯)是花(🎥)费了(🈚)一番大功夫才(🌎)把(🔋)这位“憨豆”引入剧组,阿特金森也表示“当时有一大堆(〰)片约在(🐄)身,根本(⬛)没有时(🚓)间看(📒)剧(🤼)本,就推掉了不少邀约。杰里一再(⏱)要求下我看(🐐)了,天哪,我立即被剧(㊗)本吸引了,于是(🏴)我主动打电话给杰里,我对他说‘I am Mr bean,嘿(🍖),伙计,我要(🍓)大展(🖇)拳脚了’。同时我从(📿)杰里口中得知新(🍯)片将会有7千万美元(🔜)的预算,你(🌫)知道,7千万(✊)美元对(🕍)于投资喜剧片(🕔)来说可是(🚱)大手笔了,我当时都迫不(🏊)及待了。” 年(😍)轻一代的黑人演(🍁)员(🚾)领军人物古巴?戈丁、(🙁)大名鼎鼎的全能明(🏓)星“黑珍珠”乌比?戈德堡也是主(⚓)演之一,片中都有着出色的发挥,属于笑死不(🎳)偿命(🍆)的角色;特别是古巴?戈丁饰(🍖)演的倒霉橄榄球裁判一角,这个没有大脑的三流裁判到处受(🥥)人声讨,夺宝路上更(🐢)惨遭洗劫只剩一条(📟)短裤(🍛),所有的倒霉事全让他一(👸)人碰上了。为了演好这个角色,古巴?戈丁(👝)不惜牺(🙈)牲“色相”,脱光膀(🎧)子赤脚(🤙)在火辣辣的沙(💣)漠飚戏,事后(😽)不忘幽(🗓)默一把“还好,不会(🍻)晒(🏟)黑”。 除了(😾)以上三位中国影迷熟(📅)悉的明星外,其他主演(🛥)都是美(📸)国大放异彩的后(🕧)起(🌙)之秀。其中全程参加(〰)了《王牌大贱(🤷)谍(🖱)》系列电影的(🏗)塞(🍙)斯?格林表演最(❣)为瞩目,这(📅)位美国帅哥不仅(🈷)有误入牛群与奶牛亲密(📟)接触、气球(😼)追逐好(😿)戏外,更大闯赛车比赛现场,抢劫大轮(🏚)赛车逃跑,硬生生在十几(🔚)辆汽车顶上碾过,可怜的汽车(🖥)就这样报销(🌚)了。 恶搞剧情是影片(😪)另一特色,600公里的沙(⏳)漠高速(😳)公(📬)路在(🔵)杰里笔(👷)下赋予了无穷的喜剧色彩。故(🚗)事讲述赌场老板与一群亿万富翁(😮)安排了一个特(😐)别的夺宝(🐍)竞赛。失散多年刚刚重逢的母(🏼)女、倒霉透(🚇)顶的橄榄球裁判、以骗人为生(🍨)却从未成功的(✔)兄弟、赌场烂赌鬼、患有(🚚)阵(💮)发(👹)性嗜睡(🔵)症的(🤙)憨豆及从不赌博的(🧥)律(💀)师被选中,他(🈁)们可以不择手段,第一个到达新墨西哥州(👪)银市,在预定地点找到200万美元的(🎩)人就将拥(💤)有这笔(🥁)巨款。于是,一(📛)场混乱爆(〽)笑的竞赛拉(🎨)开帷幕(🗜)……而他们的一举一动都成为这(🤨)些亿万富翁们的打赌游戏和谈资(💙)笑(🌒)料…… 7千万的预算(🌌)给剧组提供(🔘)坚(🤺)实后盾,直升飞机、热气球、与子(😞)弹同速的火箭跑车(♟)、(⛲)各(📠)式(❔)各样的汽车(🔇)全部派上场(📍);顽固的(🏤)纳粹帮、受刺激而(🦍)竭斯底里的美(🌡)女、竞赛者之间(🕰)的相(🐯)互陷害、偷鸡不着蚀把米的(🔎)阴谋计划等等恶搞却不(🚝)恶心的剧情(🤦)无一不(💄)令(😢)人笑掉大牙。当然,杰里可不(❌)想一味恶搞,故事最后还别出心裁安排一出极具意义的善(🗑)款剧情,在众人欢笑声中完(😁)美(🔀)谢(👸)幕。


The story centers around a young man named Benjamin "Ben" Franklin Gates, whose family believes in the legend of a fantastic treasure trove of artifacts and gold, hidden by the Founding Fathers of the United States. Accumulated through centuries of plundering and conquering, the treasure eventually becomes too massive, and is deemed too dangerous for any one man (or king) to possess. Therefore through time it has been relocated and hidden.

In the present, Ben with his friend Riley Poole enlists the aid of a treasure-hunter Ian and his comrades to find the clues that lead to this treasure. Both Ben and Riley are enthusiastic "treasure protectors," but Ben is especially a history fanatic. Their talents come in handy on their adventure: Ben has degrees in American history and mechanical engineering (the former from Georgetown University, the latter from MIT) and is an expert diver. He is a cryptologist, while Riley is a computer specialist.

The first clue, given to Ben by his grandfather, and passed down from Charles Carroll of Carrollton - one of the last of the sworn protectors - stated that "The secret lies with Charlotte".

By use of charting water currents and the freezing tendencies of the northern waters of the Arctic Circle, the group finds the wreckage of an old Colonial-era ship, the Charlotte. Inside, Ben finds an ancient pipe and a piece of blank paper. Ben uses his blood to uncover a riddle carved into the pipe. After examining the riddle, Ben deduces that the next clue is on the back of the Declaration of Independence. However, Ian (Ben's erstwhile partner) and Ben fight over the true purpose of the quest, with Ian wanting to steal the Declaration and Ben not wanting to do anything of the sort. A standoff ensues which results in Ian and his men escaping and the Charlotte exploding from the gunpowder strewn about its remains. Ben and Riley crawl out of the remnants of the ship while Ian and his team race away to procure the Declaration, believing the other two to be dead.

When Ben and Riley reach the United States, they attempt to warn the authorities about Ian's planned theft of the Declaration. They try to inform the DHS, FBI and finally Abigail Chase (Diane Kruger), who works at the National Archives, but all assure them that the document is so heavily guarded there's no way someone could steal it anyway. Ben thinks otherwise, however, and decides that in order to protect the document he is going to have to steal it.

Ben and Riley use a series of tricks to get inside the preservation room, where the Declaration is being kept during an anniversary-gala. Ben takes the Declaration but runs into Ian, barely escaping. As Ben is exiting the building, however, Abigail catches them in the crime and refuses to let the document be taken. Ian shows up again and kidnaps Abigail, who is holding the Declaration from Ben, and a high-speed car chase ensues across Washington D.C. Ben successfully rescues her, at the same time managing to trick Ian into thinking a souvenir copy is the true Declaration. Since Abigail won't leave without the document, Ben and Riley are forced to kidnap her. Also, a credit card slip from Ben gives the FBI Ben's identity, preventing Ben from returning to his apartment to examine the document.

Ben and Riley agree that the only safe place to go would be to Ben's father's house. Upon arriving, Ben's father chastises him for the quest, believing the treasure to be nothing more than a hoax, invented to keep the British occupied during the Revolutionary War, and the War of 1812. Despite this, Ben manages to reveal a series of codes on the back of the Declaration. Ben deduces that they refer to the Silence Dogood letters.

Ben, Abigail and Riley head to the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, where the letters are being shown. The decoded message from the letters ("The vision to see the treasured past comes as the timely shadow crosses in front of the house of Pass and Stow") leads them to the Liberty Bell. That in turn leads them to the "house" of the Bell, Independence Hall, where they find special bifocals invented by Benjamin Franklin. Ben examines the back of the Declaration wearing the glasses, to find the next clue. But Ian and his comrades, right behind them the whole time, find them and demand to have the Declaration and the special glasses, leading to a chase around town, ending in Ian getting the Declaration. However, Abigail & Riley escape.

Ben is eventually caught by the FBI, and they try to make him pull an agreement with Ian, to get the Declaration back. He agrees, but Ian has arranged a way to get Ben away from the police — by having him jump from the intended meeting spot, the deck of the USS Intrepid, into the Hudson River.

Ben is forced to help Ian find the treasure, as Ian has captured and brought along Ben's father, Abigail and Riley. The clues lead them to Trinity Church on Wall Street in New York City and then underground, into a network of dungeon-like cellars, centuries old and decaying. There, they arrive at a seemingly dead end. Ian is angry and demands another clue from Ben. Ben's father quickly makes one up, telling him the lanterns are the clue and to go to the Old North Church in Boston. Ian goes with his men, leaving everyone else to die.

When Ian has gone, Ben then explains that another exit would have been built in case of cave-ins, most likely located in the treasure room. Ben and his comrades find a hidden passageway that leads into a treasury chamber. To their disappointment, they find it empty, and assume that the treasure was moved yet again for its protection. Ben's father consoles him by telling him that at least they found evidence the treasure exists. Riley then reminds them that they have yet to find the second exit, so they continue to examine the walls. Ben manages to find a hole, with a shape resembling that of the ancient pipe found on The Charlotte. Ben puts the pipe in the imprint and turns it with the stem of the pipe and the wall opens into the true treasure chamber. When Ben initially sees the treasure, he seems disappointed that it wasn't as extravagant as he had hoped. But he soon uses a torch to light a flammable powder that runs throughout the room, revealing how vast the room really is, and also revealing much more treasure. Among the riches are artifacts from Egypt, Rome and Britain, with both "intrinsic and historic" value.

Via the second exit from the treasure room, Ben and his friends find their way out of the tunnels and back to the church. Ben discovers that the chief investigator, Peter Sadusky (Harvey Keitel), is a Freemason. However, he does not attempt to suppress the discovery of the treasure, and Ben proposes to give it to various museums around the world. Ben assures Sadusky that Abigail had nothing to do with the theft of the Declaration and asks that credit for the finding of the treasure be given to the Gates family with Riley as an associate. Sadusky thanks Ben for all this, but still insists that "someone has got to go to prison" for this. Ben replies, "Well, if you've got a helicopter, I think I can help you with that." He helps him plan a stakeout at the Old North Church, Boston, where Ian and his team are apprehended. As Ian is thrown to his car, he looks up and there's Ben, standing in the doorway of a house. Ian looks at him. Ben just shrugs.

The U.S. government offers Ben and his friends 10% of the treasure, but Ben takes only 1% of it, splitting that with Riley. The final scene sees Ben and Abigail together, living in a historic mansion they have just bought. Riley is last seen driving off in his brand new red Ferrari 360 Spider, scoffing at his "unbelievable" 0.5% of the treasure


  • 1、请问哪个平台可以免费在线观看《《亡命夺宝》电影在线免费观看》?
  • 奥顺泛目录电影网网友:在线观看地址:http://www.msgcsj.com/play/88138-1-1.html
  • 2、《《亡命夺宝》电影在线免费观看》哪些演员主演的?
  • 网友:主演有布瑞金·梅耶,艾米·斯马特,乌比·戈德堡,小库珀·古丁
  • 3、《《亡命夺宝》电影在线免费观看》是什么时候上映/什么时候开播的?
  • 网友:1970年,详细日期也可以去百度百科查询。
  • 4、《《亡命夺宝》电影在线免费观看》如果播放卡顿怎么办?
  • 百度贴吧网友:播放页面卡顿可以刷新网页或者更换播放源。
  • 5、手机版免费在线点播《《亡命夺宝》电影在线免费观看》哪些网站还有资源?
  • 网友:芒果TV爱奇艺优酷视频百度视频
  • 6、《《亡命夺宝》电影在线免费观看》的评价:
  • Mtime时光网网友:比第一部好看,剧情不磨叽了,主要角色不拖后腿。第一次看到《亡命夺宝》电影在线免费观看直接就爱了。《亡命夺宝》电影在线免费观看剧情懂得扬长避短,让声音做主角。省去没人想看的废话,省去没人想看的感情戏,一切以场景为中心来设计,而每个场景又都以声音为中心,咋呼、轻响、寂静形成节奏,然后一秒钟不多待就出字幕。很少有音效师能感觉自己这么核心吧?
  • 百度视频网友:电影前的回忆闪回让观众们完美过渡 没看过前作的朋友也毫无压力 相比第一部演员有所升级
  • 豆瓣电影网友:《《亡命夺宝》电影在线免费观看》感太割裂了,一边频频被视觉设计上的创意惊艳到,一边又不知道导演在吃力地表达什么!首先要说明一点,抛开所有片外因素,这部片子我看得很爽。
  • 喜欢“《亡命夺宝》电影在线免费观看”的同样也喜欢的视频

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