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作为演员的电影作品(数量:23)铁臂阿(😹)童木(💔)/铁臂阿童木电影版 Astro Boy ------- (2009)
奇幻精灵事(🌉)件簿(🏧)/精灵年代记 The Spiderwick Chronicles ------- (2008)
超(🥠)怪咖豪宅 Eddie Dickens and the Awful End ------- (2008)
黑暗物质:黄金罗盘/黑暗物质三(⏬)部曲之(⛸)金罗(🎆)盘/黄金罗盘/魔幻罗盘 The Golden Compass ------- (2008)
Arthur and the Invisibles: The Making of the Year's Greatest Adventure ------- (2007)
八月迷情/流浪(⛽)乐手/奥古斯特拉什/八月狂奔/声梦奇缘/把爱找回来 August Rush ------- (2007)
亚瑟与毫发人/亚瑟和他的迷(🔓)你(🈚)王(🤨)国/亚瑟和(🏦)迷你(🏻)墨王国(📓) Arthur et les Minimoys ------- (2006)
美好年/美好的一年/一年好时光 A Good Year ------- (2006)
11th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards ------- (2005)
The Wonderful World of Roald Dahl ------- (2005)
Finding Neverland: On the Red Carpet ------- (2005)
Attack of the Squirrels! ------- (2005)
查理和巧克力工厂/查理与巧克力工厂/朱古力掌门人 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ------- (2005)
Becoming Oompa-Loompa ------- (2005)
寻找梦幻岛(👘)/不老的传说/寻找新乐园/小飞侠前传之(🍯)魔幻童心(🏊) Finding Neverland ------- (2004)
虎(🤠)兄虎弟/虎海飘零/两只老虎(👏)/双虎奇(🌁)缘/虎仔两(🤪)兄弟 Deux frères ------- (2004)
魔法灾神/沙仙活地魔/五(🔽)个孩子与一个(👫)怪物/许愿精灵/砂之(🤾)精灵/五个孩子和精?Five Children and It ------- (2004)
I Saw You ------- (2002)
亚法隆之(📰)谜 The Mists of Avalon ------- (2001)
杰克与(🏌)仙豆/杰克与豆茎/天(🍪)贼 Jack and the Beanstalk: The Real Story ------- (2001)
Happy Birthday Shakespeare ------- (2000)
女人秘话(🚈) Women Talking Dirty ------- (1999)
Walking on the Moon ------- (1999)


本人最喜欢他演的(🔒)声梦奇缘 August Rush ------- (2007) ,你看过之后担保你会(🛫)爱上音乐,超感人!
他演的戏还有:铁臂阿童木电影版 Astro Boy ------- (2009) Arthur et la vengeance de Maltazard ------- (2009) 奇幻精灵(🚍)事件(🚧)簿 The Spiderwick Chronicles ------- (2008) 超怪咖豪(🌘)宅 Eddie Dickens and the Awful End ------- (2008) 黑暗物质:黄(⛏)金罗盘 The Golden Compass ------- (2008) Arthur and the Invisibles: The Making of the Year's Greatest Adventure ------- (2007) 亚瑟和迷(🗞)你(💊)墨王(✒)国 Arthur et les Minimoys ------- (2006) 一年好时光(🥏) A Good Year ------- (2006) 11th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards ------- (2005) The Wonderful World of Roald Dahl ------- (2005) Finding Neverland: On the Red Carpet ------- (2005) Attack of the Squirrels! ------- (2005) 查理与巧克(🍥)力工厂 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ------- (2005) Becoming Oompa-Loompa ------- (2005) 小飞(🎂)侠前传之魔幻(🐧)童心 Finding Neverland ------- (2004) 虎兄虎弟/虎海飘零/两只老虎(⬇)/双虎奇缘/虎仔两兄弟 Deux frères ------- (2004) 沙仙活地魔 Five Children and It ------- (2004) I Saw You ------- (2002) 亚法隆之谜 The Mists of Avalon ------- (2001) 杰克与(😵)仙豆/杰克与豆(🚫)茎(💞)/天贼 Jack and the Beanstalk: The Real Story ------- (2001) Happy Birthday Shakespeare ------- (2000)
女人秘话 Women Talking Dirty ------- (1999) Walking on the Moon ------- (1999)
本人很喜欢(🎨)听(💮)他唱的歌,特别是那首《Hey,little Suzzi》,他很厉害地(🚦)哟,曾经(🐴)受(🌩)美国(🐠)总统的特邀,去白宫演唱呐,那时他只有12岁(👃)哟(⛑)
我超喜欢(🚶)他演的《小(🈂)飞侠彼得潘(🎷)》(Peter.Pan),超可(📉)爱(🔑)。他的作品还(🏥)有:(😻)The Science of Cool ------- (2009) Word of Mouth ------- (2008) Prep School ------- (2008) Calvin Marshall ------- (2008) 美国田园下(🤸)的罪(❌)恶 An American Crime ------- (2007) The Sasquatch Dumpling Gang ------- (2006) Happy Birthday, Peter Pan ------- (2005) "Clubhouse" ------- (2004) 小飞(🦅)侠彼得·(😣)潘 Peter Pan ------- (2003) The Making of 'Frailty' ------- (2002) Just a Dream ------- (2002) Local Boys ------- (2002) 神谕之谋杀 Frailty ------- (2001) Murphy's Dozen ------- (2001)
他的作品还有:(🗣)2006 惊爆时刻 Bobby 2006 巴黎我爱你 Paris, je t`aime 2005 万恶城市 Sin City 2005 一切都鸟了(🚢) Everything is Illuminated 2004 王牌冤家 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 2003 小(🎸)鬼大间谍3(3D版) Spy Kids 3-D : Game Over 2003 魔戒三部曲:王者再临 The Lord of the Rings:The Return of the King 2002 魔(🚨)戒(🌅)二部曲—(🍊)双城奇谋 The Lord of the Ring:(🐹)The Two Towers 2001 魔(🛠)戒首(🎟)部曲—魔(😼)戒现身 THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING 1999 老师不是人 The Faculty 1992 今生有(🔊)约 Forever Young
接下(🚖)来的这(🚌)位,大家应该不会对他陌(🗑)生吧,因为他(😑)就是刚刚才演(🐆)完《功夫之王(👌)》里面那个护送(🗑)棍子的人:(🐘)Michael.Angarano。顺便(🎻)说一下,本(🖕)人超喜(🚰)欢他演的(⛩)《超人高校》((📙)Sky High)(🏙)。他的作(🦄)品有(🕑):(🌆)Gentlemen Broncos ------- (2009) 功夫之王 The Forbidden Kingdom ------- (2008) 雪天使 Snow Angels ------- (2007) 最后的(⬜)赛季(🚹) The Final Season ------- (2007) Man in the Chair ------- (2007) Bondage ------- (2006) Black Irish ------- (2006) Dogged on Dogtown ------- (2005) The Making of 'Lords of Dogtown' ------- (2005) 最(🚧)后的愿望(💵) One Last Thing... ------- (2005) 狗镇议员 Lords of Dogtown ------- (2005) 超人高校 Sky High ------- (2005) 亲爱的(🔞)温迪 Dear Wendy ------- (2005) Letters to Dear Wendy ------- (2005) 说 Speak ------- (2004) 尘土工厂 The Dust Factory ------- (2004) "Summerland" ------- (2004) 奔腾(🎃)岁(📡)月 Seabiscuit ------- (2003) My Life with Men ------- (2003) Maniac Magee ------- (2003) "Less Than Perfect" ------- (2002) 守密者 Little Secrets ------- (2001) The Beginning: Making 'Episode I' ------- (2001) Say Uncle ------- (2001) 反(🐪)恐24小时 "24" ------- (2001) The Brainiacs.com ------- (2000) "Cover Me: Based on the True Life of an FBI Family" ------- (2000) 成(🖊)名之路 Almost Famous ------- (2000) The Extreme Adventures of Super Dave ------- (2000) Baby Huey's Great Easter Adventure ------- (1999) 心灵音乐 Music of the Heart ------- (1999) 威尔和(🛩)葛蕾丝 "Will & Grace" ------- (1998) River Red ------- (1998) Grace & Glorie ------- (1998) Stranger in My Home ------- (1997) Childhood's End ------- (1997) 为了更富或更穷 For Richer or Poorer ------- (1997) 淘气(📷)老顽童 I'm Not Rappaport ------- (1996)
下一个应该也很熟悉了(🕣),就是在刚刚在上映完的《地心游记3D》里面扮演(⏳)侄子肖恩的Josh.Hutcherson!他的作品(🌿)有:地心游记3D Journey to the Center of the Earth ------- (2008) 飞行物 Winged Creatures ------- (2008) Cirque du Freak ------- (2008) 消(🐈)防犬 Firehouse Dog ------- (2007) 仙境之桥 Bridge to Terabithia ------- (2007) Robin Williams: A Family Affair ------- (2006) RV Nation: The Culture of Road Warriors ------- (2006) 休旅任(📠)务 RV ------- (2006) JoJo: The Pop Princess ------- (2006) Kicking & Screaming: Behind the Net - The Making of 'Kicking & Screaming' ------- (2005) Kicking & Screaming: Soccer Camp ------- (2005) 太空飞行棋 Zathura: A Space Adventure ------- (2005) 足球老(😪)爹(🐍) Kicking & Screaming ------- (2005) 小曼哈顿 Little Manhattan ------- (2005) Eddie's Father ------- (2004) 霍尔(🥞)的移动城堡(🚑) Hauru no ugoku shiro ------- (2004) 极地特快 The Polar Express ------- (2004) Motocross Kids ------- (2004) Party Wagon ------- (2004) 美国荣耀 American Splendor ------- (2003) Wilder Days ------- (2003) Miracle Dogs ------- (2003) One Last Ride ------- (2003) House Blend ------- (2002)

